Water Treatment

Non-Chemical Water Treatment Plants

Conventional  industrial wastewater treatment processes are challenged with increasing harmful contaminants and will not remove these to regulatory standards. Operational costs are increasing and penalties are accepted as the norm.

These challenges requires a new solution, technology and approach, and a company willing to take the lead!

Nanotech Gravitas™ Technology

Conventional water treatment plants are inefficient and expensive to run. The lack of maintenance, changing raw water quality, old chemistries and ancient technologies cause significant water losses. These are many more challenges to this list, but let’s keep to this few for now.

This has created a critical need for a new and innovative approach to water treatment. Traditional water treatment plants have a significant impact on the environment based on the toxic waste disposal. They also require a large initial investment and have a lengthy construction period.
Packaged Water Treatment Plant
Packaged Water Treatment Plant
The consequences of clinging to outdated methodologies are severe. We’re facing issues ranging from inconsistent water quality and unsafe drinking supplies to community uproar and political tension. These issues are no longer limited to operations; they now also impact social trust and compliance with regulatory standards.
Typical conventional water treatment plants CHALLENGES are:
  • Escalating bulk water chemical costs
  • Water treatment chemicals logistics to remote locations
  • Chemical inventory management and handling
  • Maintenance of process equipment and chemical dosing equipment
  • Seasonal raw water feed quality variations
  • Inconsistent production quality and quantity
  • Process efficiency variation of clarifiers and sand filters
  • Water losses from sludge removal and sand filter back washes (10 % – 20 %)
  • Rising Energy cost in R/m3
  • Huge footprint and space required for existing and future operations
  • Capital intensive and long lead times
  • Civil construction takes months if not years to complete
  • Access to capital expensive and scarce

Implications from non-compliance

  • Inconsistent quality of treated water
  • Unsafe water for human consumption
  • Communities up in arms at times of short supply and no delivery
  • Cannot bill the end user for water consumed
  • Compliance Issues relating to micro counts
  • Frustration and aggression from communities
  • Consumers don’t trust you despite all efforts
  • Political sensitive issue as always

Nanotech offers a new technology: Gravitas™

This new technology changes how we treat water. It uses gravity and advanced membrane technology. The result is a new technology approach for a water treatment plant anywhere and on any site. This water is free from particles, bacteria and viruses, and safe to drink.
Typical Design and Look of Plant

The ultimate checklist for a perfect water treatment plant

  • Absolute Barrier
  • Constant High Quality outlet
  • Low Energy Use
  • Use of Gravity to feed membrane system
  • No carry over of solids
  • No Toxic Zone
  • Modular in construction
  • Solar power option possible

Typical results from Gravitas Water Treatment Plant

  • Clarity in NTU less than 0.1
  • Footprint is 15 % of a conventional plant for the same flow
  • You can achieve 4 times the flow for the same space occupied.
  • Water recovery is 97 %
  • Electrical power consumption of 0.017 kWh/m3
  • Installation time is in days and not months
  • Flux is 230 m3/d/m2 vs that of conventional flux of 55 m3/d/m2
  • 4 times more flow for the same area
Plant in operation

Nanotech Gravitas™ Process: The Future of Water Treatment Plants

The Nanotech Gravitas process aims to eliminate traditional water treatment chemicals and deliver water of consistently high quality. This process improves water treatment with no the need for conventional bulk chemicals.
This leads a more environmentally friendly and affordable solution. We are using gravity in the process and we don’t need to use expensive membrane feed pumps. Understanding and applying gravity leads to significant energy savings.
The Gravitas system does not use bulk water treatment chemicals, so there is no toxic zone. This reduces the risk of chemical under or overdose. Membrane technology acts as a strong barrier to solids, bacteria and viruses.
The Nanotech Gravitas process are modular in nature that makes it simple to scale up and deploy rapidly. This ease of construction makes it an ideal choice for communities in need of fast infrastructure development. People can use solar power in remote areas. This makes it a sustainable and independent option.
Containerised Package Plant

Operations Excellence and Compliance:

The Gravitas process always use chlorine dioxide to oxidise iron or manganese in the raw water supply. The water treatment plant uses chlorine dioxide to clean the water in the storage tanks and pipes. The system provides safe drinking water at lower costs and higher quality traditional water treatment plants.
The Gravitas process has a sleek design that occupies less space. This enables water treatment operations in small areas. The technology is ideal for places with limited space.
This technology is quick to construct and efficient in its use of space. In contrast, older technologies require large land areas and long building periods
Furthermore, the environmental benefits of the Gravitas process are substantial. Improving water conservation greatly reduce the frequency of sludge removal or back washing processes. This effectively addresses the critical issue of water loss in traditional water treatment methods.

Future of Efficient Water Treatment Plants

Switching to advanced membrane-based water treatment systems is a significant move. This step helps ensure that clean water is available to everyone in the future. This is a huge step towards improving access to clean water for all.

Advanced membrane-based systems play a crucial role in making clean water accessible to everyone. Nanotech’s Gravitas process demonstrates the potential impact of using new ideas to benefit the environment and society.

In summary, the benefits of adopting Nanotech’s new technology approach in water treatment plants are clear and compelling:

  • An absolute barrier to contaminants, ensuring constant water quality.
  • Dramatically reduced energy requirements in the use of gravity.
  • A modular, quick-to-deploy construction that’s both time and cost-effective.
  • The potential for solar power supply, enhancing the system’s efficiencies.
  • No use of bulk water treatment chemicals, favouring a safer, more environmentally friendly process.
The water treatment industry is on the brink of a revolution. Nanotech’s Gravitas process is leading the way, making clean, safe, and affordable water available to everyone.

Contact us and get COMPLIANT!

Contact us for the top technology in chlorine dioxide to ensure compliance throughout your operations.

What to do next?

Call our team if you have any questions. We’re happy to help in any way we can.

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